Health Risks.
Health risk factors are those that increase the probability that a person will develop disease. There are six most frequent factors that predispose to the development of diseases.
1. Poor diet
There are certain foods that when consumed in excess are harmful to the body. Exaggerating with the consumption of animal fat and fried foods, common or white sugar in all its forms, salt, processed packaged products such as soft drinks, snacks, chips, cookies, sweets, pastries, sausages, can cause diseases.
2. Elevated blood fats
Fats (cholesterol and triglycerides) circulate normally in the blood. When these rise above normal values, they hinder blood circulation, causing a heart attack, stroke, or circulatory problems in the legs.
3. Overweight and obesity
It is the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the body, which can be detrimental to health. It predisposes to developing diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. The fat that is located at the level of the abdomen is the most harmful.
4. Harmful use of alcohol
The harmful consumption of alcohol
reduces self-control, reflexes and the ability to process information,
decreasing the ability to recognize warning signs in an emergency situation and
specifically when driving.
It can also cause cardiovascular
disorders ranging from heart rhythm disturbances, hypertension, stroke, to
sudden death.
5. Smoking and exposure to tobacco
Tobacco is the risk factor that causes the most deaths. Chronic respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic asthma and respiratory allergies), cancer (lung, mouth and others) and heart disease are related to tobacco use.
6. Sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity
Presenting one or both conditions predisposes to the development of diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and obesity. The good news is that they can be changed by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Shareni Delgado
Leslie Gonzalez
Gretel Cecilio
Victoria Secundino
Litzy Martinez
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